C++ STL string class cheatsheet

Quick reference to the C++ vector class.

Next is a brief description of what you can find in the pdf.

Method Description
append Appends a string to the end of the current string.
assign Fills the string with a given value.
at Returns a reference to the character at the given index.
begin Returns an iterator to the first element of the string.
c_str Returns a pointer to an array of characters that represent the current string.
capacity Returns the number of allocated positions in the string.
clear Removes all the characters from the string.
compare Compares two strings. Retuns 0 if this < str; 0 if this == str; >0 if this > str.
copy Copies a number of positions of the string into an array of characters.
data Returns a pointer to the first character in a string.
empty Returns true if the string is empty.
end Returns an iterator to the position just after the last element of the string.
erase Erases a set of characters from the string.
find Finds a set of characters in a string.
find_first_not_of Finds the first occurence of the absence of a set of characters in the string.
find_first_of Finds the first occurence of a set of characters in the string.
find_last_not_of Finds the last occurence of the absence of a set of characters in the string.
find_last_of Finds the last occurence of a set of characters in the string.
getline Reads a line from standard input and saves it in a string.
insert Inserts a character or a set o characters from a given position in a string.
length Returns the number of elements in the string.
max_size Returns the maximum number of elements a vector can hold.
push_back Inserts a character at the end of the string.
rbegin Returns a reverse iterator to the end of the string.
rend Returns a reverse iterator to the begining of the string.
replace Replaces a set of positions in the string with a given value.
reserve Sets the minimum capacity of the string.
resize Alters the size of the string and initiates new positions.
rfind Searches the string in reverse order for the first occurence of a string.
size Returns the number of elements in the string.
substr Returns a substring of the string starting at a given index and with a given size.
swap Substitutes the elements of the string with the elements of another string.
Dércia Silva
Posted by Dércia Silva on November 27, 2007

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