WPF: Localization using Resources and Localization Extension

You can localize a WPF application by using resource files and the WPF Localization Extension.

Install WPF Localization Extension

Start by installing the extension. You can do that through NuGet.

Installing the WPF Localization Extension through NuGet
Installing the WPF Localization Extension through NuGet

Create resource files

Now create your resource files.

The default file is Resources.resx and you can create localized versions by making a copy and adding the language and country extension such as Resources.pt-PT.resx for Portuguese from Portugal.

Project resources
Project resources

Here is the default (English) file:

English resource file
English resource file

And the Portuguese file:

Portuguese resource file
Portuguese resource file

Using the Localization Extension

In XAML you need to specify the Localization Extension namespace and also the default assembly and dictionary where the resources are located.

You call localized resources with the Loc markup extension.

<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"    
      Title="{lex:Loc Title}">    
      <Label Content="{lex:Loc Welcome}" />    

Specify the current language

You can specify the current culture in the LocalizeDictionary.Instance singleton.

LocalizeDictionary.Instance.SetCurrentThreadCulture = true;    
LocalizeDictionary.Instance.Culture = new CultureInfo("pt-PT");    

By using the SetCurrentThreadCulture property we also make sure that the culture is updated for the current thread.

Final result

Using the default language:

English localization
English localization

When switching to Portuguese:

Portuguese localization
Portuguese localization
Nuno Freitas
Posted by Nuno Freitas on April 25, 2014

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